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Daily Schedule

General Daily Schedule (all days except Wednesday)

2:30 - 3:00 - Kindergarten through 2nd grade are picked up from their classrooms by a staff member. 3rd through 5th graders walk themselves to a Bright Start space in the school that is assigned to them. Children are offered two nut-free snack choices and can then have free play time with friends. 


3:00 - 3:45 - This is our time to be outside. In inclement weather, we offer free play, activity stations, and games in the gym. 


3:45 - 4:45 - This is our activity or homework time. Children are rotated through different groups so they can experience a variety of lessons created by our staff. 


4:45 - 6:00 - Children will have another snack followed by outside time. We also offer quiet indoor activities for those who may want to wind down after a busy day.


Wednesday Schedule

1:00 - 1:45  - Children are picked up from their classrooms and come down to Bright Start, where they eat snack. 


1:45 - 2:30  - Outside time


2:30 - 3:30 - Stations. Children have free choice and get to select different activities provided by the staff. 


3:30 - 4:30 - Activity time/ homework


4:30 - 6:00 - Second snack and free play outside or in the gym. 



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